MPL Technology Group

Why is Power Quality so Important? (CPD No. A032813)
More than at any other time; it is essential that businesses across all in industry sectors; monitor and understand Power Quality as an integral part of their sustainability programme. Energy Management can no longer be confined to electrical consumption and must consider Power Quality in order to achieve Companies Green Credentials. The CPD aims to identify Power Quality events and the affects these have on the electrical network and infrastructure.
Why is it Important to Monitor Solar
PV Installations? (CPD No. 50765)
With the increasing demand on the electrical network and the growing reliance on renewable energy this CPD explores why it is so important to understand your installation and how efficiently it is being managed. Measuring the output of inverters is not enough and only by monitoring the solar installation alongside the electrical infrastructure of an estate can you get a full understanding of efficiency and sustainability targets.
MPL Technology Group